Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fibrositis More Condition_symptoms Is There A Cure For Intercostal Fibrositis?

Is there a cure for Intercostal Fibrositis? - fibrositis more condition_symptoms

I live in the Philippines. I am only 22 years. old and almost 3 years, I have suffered from this disease in the muscle and intercostal muscles of the left shoulder. All of this is due to a habit that is manifestly unreasonable, impossible to explain a few here. I just want to know what the fibrous nodules or trigger points that develop in the chest and shoulder muscles have been reversed. I need help because the doctors here simply refuse my condition, so long as a mental illness. When these glands felt tense muscles, not invested, there is no way to end my fibromyalgia pain. Outside of massage therapy, what other treatments you really think that can promote healing and lead to cure for my disease? And do you know whether a stem cell therapyalready be cured of such an emergency? I need help ....


  1. It fibrositis intercostals (I never heard of it) has a relationship with fibromyalgia? Sounds like a polite way of saying it has knots in the muscles around the ribs! In this case, there is a real disease, sleep and nothing to lose, you do not want to be better, because it is painful and boring
    Fibromyalgia is real, but no real evidence or medical treatment for him. They can help a lot with massage, chiropractic, moderate exercise, vitamins, smoking cessation and stress management!
    What are the "predatory practices" are you talking about? Have you abused as a child, or are you talking about masturbation? It would be funny if you thought that was the cause and course of masturbation can cause such a thing.
    Best of luck. David.

  2. A problem of a body cell level.The is a collection of trillions of cells and oxygen for the human body healthy is flawed cells.The is essential Oxygen.There a product that increases the oxygen in the body. It's called Cellfood, and converts the water into the body of oxygen and Hydrogen.Details this product is available in
